2022 Annual Meeting Summary
Native Planting & Shoreline Stabilization Area

by | Mar 28, 2022 | Events

We had a wonderful annual meeting on Sunday March 27.  Thank you to our members who joined us!
Welcome Jenny O’Neill. Congratulations on your election to the board – and on your election to treasurer!
Congratulations also to our Board Officers re-elected at the March 28 Board Meeting. President Gabi Sarhos, Vice President Felton McLaughlin, and Secretary Nancy Costello will serve as the officers of the Conservancy for the 2022-23 Fiscal Year.
And thank you to Jeanette Carioto for your past service as Treasurer, and for continuing on the Board!
Congratulations also to returning board members re-elected to two year terms at the annual meeting: Gabi Sarhos, Felton McLaughlin, Grace Bennett, Marsha Penrose, Anne Savage, Mark Schlessman.
Please review the Annual Meeting Slide Show to learn more about our 2022 progress and our 2023 plans:
Accomplished 2022:
  • Educational tree tagging for 23 species of trees around the pond
  • Spring and summer cleanups featuring invasive bittersweet removals
  • Continued efforts towards garlic mustard removal near Rafts Way & Milner Avenue
  • New fall planting of tulip bulbs in the parking circle (thanks once again to DGS/Jess Morgan for the bulbs)
  • Completion of the 2021 CSLAP water testing program—a.k.a. Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program
  • Outreach to Albany Water Department for coordination of planned shoreline improvements and native plantings along the pond’s north shore

Planned 2023:

  • Complete website redesign
  • Shoreline stabilization & native planting plans
  • Continue invasive species removals and native species planting
  • NYSFOLA/CSLAP water testing
  • Tree removals (long term)
  • Continue developing relationship w/ City departments (DGS/AWD/REC)