Our mission is to coordinate existing resources and identify new resources
devoted to protecting, preserving, and enhancing Buckingham Pond and its surrounding green space.
The Buckingham Pond Conservancy is an all-volunteer, non-partisan group that advocates for the pond and grounds and employs mission-driven strategies to pursue its goals.
In keeping with our mission, along with our neighbors, members, and donors, we are advocates, communicating and coordinating priorities, maintenance, and long-term goals with the City of Albany.
The Conservancy’s goals for stewardship, and short-term and long-term projects, are guided by the Lake Management Plan, which was completed in 2015 and serves as the roadmap for what we do.
From water testing, to native planting and invasive species management, to advocacy for path and other capital improvements, to education, volunteer coordination, and much more, there’s a wealth of projects in progress.
Events & Education
The Conservancy sponsors the winter ice skating party and the fall ice cream social, and develops educational content for public via the website, social media, tree tagging, and other public outreach efforts, all through the efforts of our volunteer Board, and with the support of memberships and donations.
Buckingham Pond has been the heart of our neighborhood for generations. Since I was a little girl, this has been a refuge from the bustle of everyday life. A place to walk through old majestic trees, waterside, with a variety of wildlife keeping you company. I am grateful to the Conservancy for its unwavering advocacy and commitment to the conservation, preservation, and improvement of this unique gem in our City.
Who We Are
The Buckingham Pond Conservancy is an all-volunteer, non-partisan group, founded in 2009.
The Conservancy works closely with the City of Albany to plan improvements, arranges for clean up and work days to support the pond, studies the ecological health of the pond, and looks for grant opportunities to subsidize the work of the City of Albany.
Areas of focus include water quality, invasive species, trees and other plantings, trails, and the playground.
As an organization dedicated to the betterment of Buckingham Pond Park and its environs, we recognize our obligation to create a space that is welcoming to everyone regardless of race, color, religion, gender and sexual orientation, national origins, ethnicity, age, ability, economic or familial status.
It may not sound like much to work for the future of a small pond and a few acres of land, but it is something we can each do to make this part of the world a better place.
A Brief History of the Conservancy
The Buckingham Pond Conservancy got off and running in January of 2009. Thirty-three people met for an energetic kick off of our new organization. Participants agreed that the Conservancy should be an ongoing organization with strategies such as deepening our understanding of current conditions at the pond, working to build coalitions with other community organizations, developing a volunteer program, and working with the City. The Buckingham Conservancy Steering Committee gathered information, meeting with City officials, and formulating plans for the Conservancy’s governance and mission statement.
Since 2009, the Buckingham Pond Conservancy had made concerted efforts, along with dedicated board members, neighbors, donors, and volunteers, to advance strategic community investments, to preserve this important urban oasis in the City of Albany for the enjoyment of existing and future generations, to contribute to the high quality of life in the neighborhood and beyond, helping to provide health benefits to thousands of local residents who utilize the pond and natural open space around it as their primary recreation area.

Looking for Ways to Help?
You can help ensure that Buckingham Pond is enhanced for generations to come! Volunteer for events. Become a BPC member. Donate. Join the BPC Board.
Looking for ways to help?
You can help ensure that Buckingham Pond is enhanced
for generations to come! Volunteer for events.
Become a BPC member. Donate. Join the BPC Board.