Good News from the City
Native Planting & Shoreline Stabilization Area

by | Mar 24, 2009 | Park Management

Joe Igoe (Ward 14 Councilman) has provided the following good news about City efforts on behalf of the pond. Many thanks to Joe, and the City for these efforts.

Joe Igoe (Ward 14 Councilman) has provided the following good news about City efforts on behalf of the pond. Many thanks to Joe, and the City for these efforts.

  • Jack is back. Contrary to rumors you may have heard, Jack will be working at Buckingham Pond Park this summer! This is great news and should ensure that our beloved park is well tended all summer long. If you see him in the neighborhood, please let Jack know how happy we are to have him back.
  • Sidewalk improvements. The City has submitted a grant proposal to New York State for funds to continue the sidewalk on Euclid avenue on the south (New Scotland Ave) side of the pond to Berkshire boulevard and add to a cross walk. This should make it a much safer crossing for everyone. Joe tells me that the City hopes to know whether this will be funded soon — in time to do the work this season if it is funded. I'll keep you posted as I learn more.
  • Youth Employment. The City is still seeking youth (age 14 – 18) for its summer employment program. This program provides young people who help Jack keep our park in shape. The application is available here: and needs to be delivered to Bleecker Stadium on Saturday 3/28 from 9 to 1, or Monday 4/6, Tuesday 4/7 or Wednesday 4/8 from 4 to 7 pm.
  • Tree Program. The Shared-Cost Street Tree Program is coming up again. The City of Albany is now taking orders for street trees (while supplies last). More information is available here: The deadline for the spring planting is April 15th. Trees will be offered again in the fall. The deadline for fall planting orders is September 15th.

In other news, the Buckingham Pond Conservancy Steering Committee is still hard at work building a strong foundation for our organization. More news from the Steering Committee coming soon! – Anne Anne Savage