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Explore our news archive going back to our founding in 2009.


So Far So Good

The Conservancy is making a concerted effort to rid our pond of the invasive species Purple Loosestrife. Purple Loosestrife is a problem for the pond because it chokes out native animals like cattails. Cattails are needed by native species like...

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Where did all the water go?

Well the pond's not quite as dry as the moon, but it is pretty dry! File this one under the category of "Mistakes Happen". The water department was testing the pump at the west end of the pond. They turned it to "on" as part...

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If you've tried to walk the South (New Scotland) side of the path recently, you'll have noticed that it's been underwater for much of the last few weeks. These pictures were taken on Thursday 6/16/2011. Even before the rain, we had...

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