Explore our news archive going back to our founding in 2009.
Water Testing Beginning
BPC is participating this year in the Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP). CSLAP is a volunteer lake monitoring program run by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the NYS Federation of Lake Associations,...
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Successful Spring Clean Up
Thanks so much to everyone for the great Spring clean up on Sunday 4/10. It was terrific to see so many folks out - more than 30 people were there to help. A special tip of the pruning shears to Fred Ruff who tackled the invasive Oriental...
Pond Pickup Day Sunday 4/10
Pond Pickup Day Sunday April 10, 2011 1:00 – 3:00 PM Meet at the parking lot Join your neighbors as we all pitch in to get the pond ready for spring & summer. General trash & litter pickup. Bring work gloves and tools. Bags and some...
Water Testing Volunteers Needed and Boat Sought
We're looking for volunteers to help with our summer water testing effort. You'd need to be available one or two Saturday or Sunday mornings a month from June through October, and for about an hour and half each time you participate. This water...
April 30th Road Trip
The New York State Federation of Lake Association's Annual Conference is a great way to learn about pond ecology, algae blooms, water quality issues, aquatic plants and much more. This year's conference is Friday, April 29th through Sunday May 1st...