So Far So Good
Native Planting & Shoreline Stabilization Area

by | Jun 30, 2011 | Pond & Park Ecology

The Conservancy is making a concerted effort to rid our pond of the invasive species Purple Loosestrife. Purple Loosestrife is a problem for the pond because it chokes out native animals like cattails. Cattails are needed by native species like ducks and muskrats, and they also help filter the water that runs in to the pond.

The Conservancy is making a concerted effort to rid our pond of the invasive species Purple Loosestrife. Purple Loosestrife is a problem for the pond because it chokes out native animals like cattails. Cattails are needed by native species like ducks and muskrats, and they also help filter the water that runs in to the pond.

For the last two years we’ve dug out every scrap we can find. So we’re keeping a careful watch to see what comes up this year. I was initially concerned when I saw some purple flower heads popping up. But it turns out to be Blue Vervain, which is a native flower known for attracting butterflies.

I still expect to find some loosestrife this year – it’s known for being invasive, but so far, so good.

Here are images of the two together, so you can see the differences. On the left is Blue Vervain, on the right, Purple Loosestrife.