Thank You for the Great Mulchathon 2010
Native Planting & Shoreline Stabilization Area

by | May 20, 2010 | Events, Pond & Park Ecology

Thanks to everyone for a terrific job at the clean up this past Sunday. Jack tells us the playground looks better than anytime in the 17 years he's been on the job. Special thanks to Jason Schultz of Brookside Nursery who led our nature walk. If you didn't get a chance to join us this year, keep an eye out for future opportunities — the walk was great fun and everyone learned a lot. Jason is also a talented sculptor. View his work at

Thanks to everyone for a terrific job at the clean up this past Sunday. Jack tells us the playground looks better than anytime in the 17 years he's been on the job. Special thanks to Jason Schultz of Brookside Nursery who led our nature walk. If you didn't get a chance to join us this year, keep an eye out for future opportunities — the walk was great fun and everyone learned a lot. Jason is also a talented sculptor. View his work at And also extra special thanks to the City of Albany Department of General Services, especially Asst. Commissioner Dan Dilillo and Supervisor Ed Kindlon for their help providing tools, and of course the mountain of mulch. Were you energized by the great camaraderie and work on Sunday? If you'd like to help again, we're hoping to pull together a group to attack the purple loose strife that is slowly choking out the cattails at the pond. We made an initial stab at this at the clean up last fall, but there's lots more to do. Read more about loose strife here: If we get enough interested people, we'll plan that for a day in June when the loose strife will be easy to spot, but not yet setting seed. Interested? Contact us at [email protected]. Also, there's talk of a block party sometime this summer, but we need a small group to organize it. If you are interested contact us at [email protected].