We need you!
Native Planting & Shoreline Stabilization Area

by | Mar 14, 2015 | Events

Buckingham Pond Conservancy is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization. Our mission is “to coordinate existing resources and identify new resources devoted to protecting, preserving, and enhancing Buckingham Pond and its surrounding green space.”

What does the Conservancy do?
• We build relationships with City departments and other stakeholders,
• We host community events including an Ice Cream Social and winter Skating Party,
• We coordinate cleanup and work days,

Buckingham Pond Conservancy is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization. Our mission is “to coordinate existing resources and identify new resources devoted to protecting, preserving, and enhancing Buckingham Pond and its surrounding green space.”

What does the Conservancy do?
• We build relationships with City departments and other stakeholders,
• We host community events including an Ice Cream Social and winter Skating Party,
• We coordinate cleanup and work days,
• We study the pond’s ecological health, including sampling the water each summer through the NYSDEC Citizen’s Statewide Lake Assessment Program,
• We seek grant funds to enhance and protect the pond.

Please join today by clicking and making a $25 tax deductble donation to become a member or renew your membership for 2015.