What a wonderful Skating Party
Native Planting & Shoreline Stabilization Area

by | Feb 11, 2013 | Events

What a wonderful time – 200+ people out enjoying the spectacular day today, topped off with an actual rainbow to mark the occasion. Wow.

If you had a great time today, thank these people when you see them –

What a wonderful time – 200+ people out enjoying the spectacular day today, topped off with an actual rainbow to mark the occasion. Wow.

If you had a great time today, thank these people when you see them –

  • Mark Bechard for arranging to food and permit paperwork and baking the oh so fabulous cupcakes
  • Felton McLaughlin for arranging the treat donations and HessExpress and Dunkin' Donuts for making those donations.
  • Marjorie Geiger for baking wonderful treats to share.
  • Those folks plus Marsha Penrose, Harry Ermides, Tara Caligure, and John Caplis for staffing the table and making everyone feel so welcome.
  • Eileen Gerrish for providing the stove and running out for more hot chocolate.
  • The City of Albany for co-sponsoring

The shoveling crew who rose to the occasion when the City had to focus on little things like shoveling the streets and couldn't plow the pond:

  • Jim Conroy,
  • Kevin Creagan,
  • Harry Ermides,
  • Joe Toome,
  • Shelly Justa,
  • Marion Waldeman, and
  • Melissa Baer, as well as
  • Madeline Conroy (teen division), and
  • Katie Myers & Isabella Waldeman (Youth Division) and
  • Dustin (I hope I got his name right) who gracefully acquiesced to my request to snowblow a path to connect his fab hockey rink to our skating track.

And also thank the spouses and children of all these people for loaning them to us for hours to make all this happen.