Along with members and donors, we are advocates & stewards.
Advocacy & Stewardship
In keeping with our mission, The Conservancy acts to advocate for and steward efforts to protect, preserve, and enhance Buckingham Pond and its surrounding green space. Along with our neighbors, members, and donors, we are advocates and stewards, communicating and coordinating priorities, maintenance, and long-term goals with the City of Albany. The Conservancy’s goals, and short-term and long-term projects, are guided by the Lake Management Plan, which was completed in 2015 and serves as the roadmap for what we do.

The Need
Buckingham Pond is a manmade water body created in a historic creek bed.
The Pond plays an important role in municipal stormwater management for the City of Albany, helping to reduce combined sewer overflows in the Hudson River by retaining stormwater from the local watershed.
In addition, the steep topography and extensive urbanization around the pond results in concentrated urban runoff that erodes the pond’s shoreline, and loads the pond with nutrients.
The Conservancy is guided by the Lake Management Plan and works in partnership with the City of Albany to coordinate existing resources and identify new resources devoted to protecting, preserving, and enhancing Buckingham Pond and its surrounding green space.

Did You Know?
The end of the pond by Euclid Avenue is the deepest, at about 6 feet deep.