Park Management

Shoreline Improvements Phase 1 Completed!

We are pleased to report that the Water Department has completed the Phase 1 shoreline stablization work this year.   This work will improve water quality at the pond by adding native species that filter water as it goes in to the pond, and reducing erosion.  The...

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DGS working at the pond

Shown here is a photo taken earlier today 9/9/2016 of a DGS truck digging out the catch basin in the parking lot and it appears they’ve begun the work to fix the washed out part of the path. Thank You DGS for helping us improve the park! Shown here is a photo...

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Jack’s Shed is OK

You may have noticed Jack & Carl's shed is gone.   Here's a picture of it on Thursday 9/27 as it was taken away.    Jack tells us this is really good news.  DGS will be giving him a new, bigger shed including...

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Good Bye Ugly Pipe, Hello Drinking Fountain!

Many thanks to the City of Albany Water Department and Department of General Services who are working together to provide a drinking fountain at Buckingham Pond Park.   And the Water Department has also removed the ugly pipe that used to stick out of the...

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Pond Path Improvements Underway

The City of Albany Department of General Services is making some much needed improvements to the path on the South (New Scotland) side of the pond this fall. This section of the path is very low, and has been in mild disrepair for years, with rail road ties and wooden...

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Pond path improvements coming

The City of Albany Department of General Services tells us that they will make some much needed improvements to the path on the South (New Scotland) side of the pond this fall. This section of the path is very low, and has been in mild disrepair for years, with rail...

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