Explore our news archive going back to our founding in 2009.
Fall Clean Up 10/25
Ice Cream Social
Join us Sunday September 13, 2015 from 1p-3p for our annual ice cream social! There is going to be a guided nature walk and food available. Come enjoy a fun part of your Sunday with family and friends.Please follow us on Facebook for updates and in...
Injured Goose week of 7/12/15, Please discard your fishing line!
The goose in this picture has a lot of friends, but is sending everyone on the proverbial "Wild Goose Chase"! It seems an unknowing fisherman dropped a fishing line that somehow has become entangled around both of its feet. The goose is...
2015 Annual Meeting Summary
Great turnout for the annual meeting. Click for slides from the meeting and the presentation on Invasive Species. Our current accomplishments: We built relationships with City departments and enlisted their support towards developing a Lake...
We need your help. Please become a Board Member
The Board has recently voted to increase our Board to 11 members from 9 in accordance with our By-Laws. This is necesary as we proceed to implementing the soon to be released recommendations for our plans to maintain Buckingham Pond. The Board has...
We need you!
Buckingham Pond Conservancy is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization. Our mission is “to coordinate existing resources and identify new resources devoted to protecting, preserving, and enhancing Buckingham Pond and its surrounding green...