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Explore our news archive going back to our founding in 2009.

Annual Meeting Sunday 3/10 1:00 PM

In 2009 35 people came together to found the Buckingham Pond Conservancy.  Since then we've grown in size and capacity - coordinating clean ups, hosting social events, finding grants to help the pond, building relationships with City staff,...

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What a wonderful Skating Party

What a wonderful time - 200+ people out enjoying the spectacular day today, topped off with an actual rainbow to mark the occasion. Wow. If you had a great time today, thank these people when you see them - What a wonderful time - 200+ people out...

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Jack’s Shed is OK

You may have noticed Jack & Carl's shed is gone.   Here's a picture of it on Thursday 9/27 as it was taken away.    Jack tells us this is really good news.  DGS will be giving him a new, bigger shed...

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