Buckingham Pond north path and ash trees

We are proud to feature ongoing, long-term, and completed projects.

Ongoing Projects

Buckingham Pond Citizen Science CSLAP NYSFOLA

CSLAP Water Testing

The Conservancy has participated in the Citizen’s Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) since 2011. This volunteer lake monitoring program is run by NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the NYS Federation of Lake Associations. So if you see any of our board members in the canoe on the lake, feel free to wave hello!

Buckingham Pond garlic mustard removal

Invasive Plant Management

An important focus for the BPC is improving the ecological health of the park. The park has many invasive plant species that choke out native plants.

Buckingham Pond ash trees

Emerald Ash Borer Treatments

At Buckingham Pond, we treat two of our ash trees on the north side of the pond between Euclid and Lenox to protect them from the Emerald Ash Borer. This invasive beetle is devastating ash trees throughout the United States.

Buckingham Pond ash trees

Herbicide Coordination

BPC communicates with the City’s Pesticide Board, ensuring that City-applied herbicides are consistent with best practices recommended by NYSFOLA and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Judicious herbicide applications are necessary for algae and knotweed control because of the impact of urban runoff on the pond.

Buckingham Pond medallions

Storm Drain Medallions

Buckingham Pond Conservancy installs and maintains storm drain medallions on all 55 storm drains that discharge into Buckingham Pond – as far away as Washington Avenue.

Buckingham Pond tree tagging

Tree Tags

In 2021, the BPC installed tags for 23 different tree species along the path around shore and Raft’s Way. Each tag features the common and scientific tree name, and a QR code linked to the USDA Plants Database for more information on each species. Maintaining the tags is an ongoing project and we welcome your help.

Buckingham Pond native plantings

Native Plantings

BPC is installing native plants around the pond to slow and filter runoff water, reducing erosion and sedimentation. Native species also eliminate the need for mowers and other equipment, and provide food and habitat for native wildlife. We have worked with the City of Albany to implement “No Mow Zones” to protect and enhance native species.

Buckingham Pond rain garden

Perennial Garden

The Perennial Garden at the foot of the north side of Lenox Avenue is looking for a caretaker. Thanks to Janet Stutzman for her past work.

Buckingham Pond cleanups

Steward Program

Park Stewards will work independently to make an impact at Buckingham Pond. We are working to identify training opportunities, access to tools and resources, and gain permission for individuals to work on their own as well as to recruit and train their friends and neighbors.

Buckingham Pond path erosion

Pond Trail Advocacy

Whenever there is a significant rainfall, the stone dust on the path washes off the path and into the pond. We are constantly advocating with the Department of General Services and the Water Department for improvements to the way the path is constructed and maintained.

Long-Term Projects

Buckingham Pond partnership

Shoreline Stabilization Program

BPC continues to advocate and raise funds for work to improve water quality at the pond through the installation of coir logs to reduce erosion and use of native species that filter water as it goes into the pond.

Buckingham Pond path improvement

East Shore Path Improvements

The Water Department and BPC are investigating funding for widening the Buckingham Pond east end path, where it is narrow and often rutted by extreme stormwater runoff.

Buckingham Pond stormwater

Parking Lot Green Infrastructure

Significant stormwater runoff comes into the pond from the north side of the pond, especially via the parking lot. Along with the City of Albany Water Department, the BPC is exploring innovative green infrastructure solutions at the parking lot to slow down and reduce stormwater loads into the pond.

Buckingham Pond path erosion

Stormwater Improvements

A major amenity at the park is a 0.78 mile perimeter walking trail. The BPC continues to seek long term stormwater improvements, funding, and partnership with the City to improve the way the entire trail is constructed and maintained.

Buckingham Pond native plantings

Landscape Planting & Maintenance Plan

With support from a significant donation, BPC has begun work to identify ways to develop a sustainable Landscape Planting, Operations, and Maintenance Plan for the ongoing care and protection of the substantial assets of the park and grounds.

Buckingham Pond ecology education

Community Education

Here Sean Madden (DEC biologist) gives a tour. In-person events such as this, and annual meetings, website, email and social media updates, and planned signage are some of the many initiatives the BPC uses to educate its members and the public. Reach out for more information.

Completed Projects

Buckingham Pond path improvements

Shoreline Stabilization
Phase 1

In 2017, the Water Department completed portions of the Phase 1 shoreline stabilization work. AWD installed new granite curbing on Berkshire Boulevard at Euclid Avenue to direct runoff, removed invasive species, and added coir logs and native plant buffers for shoreline stabilization.

Buckingham Pond invasive

Invasive Species Survey

In 2019, Capital/Mohawk Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) surveyed the grounds of Buckingham Pond and developed a list of invasive plants at the pond.

Buckingham Pond playground


In 2017-2018, in a private-public partnership with the City of Albany, the BPC raised significant funds for the installation of a  new playground, and worked with the City of Albany to ensure guardrails were installed to protectthe playground from traffic on Berkshire Boulevard. The playground could not have happened without private donations large and small; special thanks to our donors.

Buckingham Pond fundraising

Commemorative Brick Path

To raise funds for the playground, the BPC organized a commemorative brick fundraising effort. Donors purchased 135 small and 67 large bricks, which were installed by the Albany Department of General Services in the path facing the playground. Thanks all who donated!

Buckingham Pond benches


In 2018 and 2020 the BPC purchased four new benches (installed by DGS): two near the playground, one near the water by Euclid Ave on the north side of the pond. The fourth, near the maintenance shed, is dedicated to the late Jack Almy, a beloved and long-time employee at the park. Thanks those who donated, especially Elks Lodge #49 for their generous contributions.

Buckingham Pond partnership

Pedestrian Safety

In 2013 after three years of BPC advocacy, the City installed stop signs at the corner of Colonial & Berkshire Boulevard, improving pedestrian safety. In the intervening years, the City installed a new section of sidewalk on south Euclid Avenue for safer pedestrian access. In 2021 the City improved the pedestrian signage at Lenox on the North side of the pond. We appreciate the City’s efforts to date.

Buckingham Pond drinking fountain

Drinking Fountain Pipe

With advocacy from the BPC, in 2012 the City of Albany Water Department and Department of General Services worked together to provide a drinking fountain at Buckingham Pond Park. At the same time, DGS added a fire hydrant and removed the unsightly inflow pipe which extended above the pond’s surface.

Buckingham Pond bike rack

Cycling Infrastructure

In 2011, the Conservancy successfully applied to CDTA to install bike racks at the pond through the Capital District Bike Rack Travel Demand Management Program. Then in 2021, we worked with CDTA to find an appropriate location for CDPHP Cycle! Bikes near the pond.

Buckingham Pond shoreline stabilization

Reconfigured South Path

In 2011, we advocated for a major reconfiguration of the south portion of the path to address routine flooding there which brough the path underwater after heavy rains. That project was implemented by the City of Albany Department of General Services.

Buckingham Pond shoreline stabilization

Erosion Control

In 2009, with financial support from the Albany County Soil & Water Conservation District and the logistical support and labor from the City of Albany, the Conservancy implemented a series of erosion control mitigations, especially re-routing the path on the south side of the pond near Lenox Avenue to create a less steep slope, and adding a curtain drain at the entrance to the park across from Stonehenge Gardens.