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Explore our news archive going back to our founding in 2009.

Playground Update

The old playground has been removed.  New equipment will be delivered tomorrow 10/19.  It will take several weeks before it is built, installed and ready to go. Many thanks to the City of Albany, especially the Department of General Services and...

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Playground Update

The playground is coming! DGS tells us that they will begin taking down the existing playground this Thursday 10/12 in preparation for the new and improved one. It will be at least a few weeks before the new one is up and ready to play. We'll keep...

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Duck Rescue!

Here's a feel good story for the week ... Yesterday police officers got a call about a duck tangled in a fishing line at Buckingham Pond today. The back of the duck's wing was tangled in a line that was stuck high in a tree. Officers Dan Kuhn and...

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