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Playground Update Tuesday 10/24
Work continued through the weekend. The outlines are taking shape. These pictures are from Monday 10/23
Shoreline Improvements Phase 1 Completed!
We are pleased to report that the Water Department has completed the Phase 1 shoreline stablization work this year. This work will improve water quality at the pond by adding native species that filter water as it goes in to the pond, and...
Playground Update
The old playground has been removed. New equipment will be delivered tomorrow 10/19. It will take several weeks before it is built, installed and ready to go. Many thanks to the City of Albany, especially the Department of General Services and...
Playground Update
The playground is coming! DGS tells us that they will begin taking down the existing playground this Thursday 10/12 in preparation for the new and improved one. It will be at least a few weeks before the new one is up and ready to play. We'll keep...
Ice Cream Social Sunday 9/10
Come out and enjoy some ice cream courtesy of Stewarts and kick off the beginning of Fall with friends and neighbors at the Pond Sunday Septebmer 10th, 2017 1PM - 3 PM Nature Tours with Sean Madden Music by Brett Sears
Duck Rescue!
Here's a feel good story for the week ... Yesterday police officers got a call about a duck tangled in a fishing line at Buckingham Pond today. The back of the duck's wing was tangled in a line that was stuck high in a tree. Officers Dan Kuhn and...