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Explore our news archive going back to our founding in 2009.

Please Take Survey

Please take our park visitors survey The results of this survey will help us focus our efforts to protect, preserve, and enhance Buckingham Pond and its surrounding green space. Please take our...

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Playground Feedback Sunday 9/25 3 to 5 PM

The City of Albany has asked Buckingham Pond Conservancy to help gather community comments on proposed improvements to the Buckingham Pond Park playground.     Please join us at the public information meeting on Sunday, September 25th at...

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DGS working at the pond

Shown here is a photo taken earlier today 9/9/2016 of a DGS truck digging out the catch basin in the parking lot and it appears they’ve begun the work to fix the washed out part of the path. Thank You DGS for helping us improve the park!...

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Invasive Species Walk

Friday, May 13, we will be meeting Laurel Gailor from PRISM (Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management) at the pond parking lot at 4:00. She is going to walk the pond to help identify invasive species and hopefully let us know what we...

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